Thursday 3 May 2012

Witnesss statement contribute to a team

OCR National Media Witness Statement

Emma Cosgrove

Unit Number
Unit 2
Assessment Objective
AO 2
Contribute to a team

Description of Task you completed
For AO2 we had to work in a team
to create a magazine.
To do this we all had to agree on the subject that we wanted the magazine to be about, then we each had to decide what role we would taken on, I was the writer. When my friends got stuck I would help them out with their work by showing them what they were doing wrong. Overall I would say that I worked well with my team mates and was pleased with the final product.

Date of Meeting:
Present: Mariana, Cathy and Emma

What was discussed and what action is to be taken
By Whom
By When

Front cover is being done by Cathy because she agreed to be the graphic designer and said that she will finish the front cover by Friday

The magazine layout is being done by Mariana because she is the best on in design out of all of us and agreed to do all the magazine layouts by Friday

The articles are all being done by Emma because she likes writing and finding out information and agreed to finish the articles by Friday

For the magazine we decided to add a poster of the person who was on the front cover, this task was done by Emma and Cathy they will finish the poster by Friday
Emma and Cathy

Teacher Comment



Audiance profile

Lifting heavy objects witness statement

OCR National Media Witness Statement

Emma Cosgrove

Unit 2
Assessment Objective
AO 2
Lifting heavy objects  

Description of Task you completed
For this task we had to show that we can lift a heavy object correctly so that we did not cause our self any injury.

Teacher Comment



Friday 27 April 2012

Audience profile

Audience Profiles
The audience are all female ranging from 13 to 15. They are all female and the majority of them do read magazines. Most of them don’t read music magazines but a few of them do. They listen to music everyday and the most common music listened to is pop and RnB. Some of them play an instrument some of them do not. The most commonly played instrument is guitar.
They are contented conformers which are people who follow the crowd and like to fit in. They are comfortable with who they are.
I think my audience are contented conformers because they all listen to the same genre of music and mostly play the guitar so they all fit in with the crowd and they are comfortable with whom they are and enjoy playing/ listening to music and it’s a popular thing to do.

Monday 19 March 2012

Witness statement working independantly

OCR National Media Witness Statement

Emma Cosgrove

Unit Number
Unit 2
Assessment Objective
AO 2
Able to work independently (without supervision)  

Description of Task you completed
I made this script with no help because I wanted it to be original and my own idea of the story.
I chose the setting and plotted the story on my own because I wanted my script to be interesting and have my own touch to it. I followed all the rules of writing a professional script which were easy to remember such as, characters name always in capitals.
I had a good idea for a story and I wanted to make it even better so I done some research and then used this to think up of my own individual plot for the script then I put it to words on my own.

Teacher Comment



Witness statement being creative

OCR National Media Witness Statement

Emma Cosgrove

Unit Number
Unit 2
Assessment Objective
AO 2
Using creativity

Description of Task you completed
We had to create a magazine cover using photoshop and make it look professional. I used creativity to create this piece of work because I had to choose a theme for the overall feel of the magazine, I also had to choose colours that all went well together. For this task we all had to use a lot of creativity to make our own work look unique and give the cover a good style, also the cover is the first thing people see of a magazine, so the more creative you are the better magazine cover you create. 

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