Thursday 29 September 2011

Lady gaga magazine cover

To make this magazine cover, I used photoshop
First of all I placed the image, then I masked the image neatly so then I would be able to duplicate the layer.
Once I had finished masking and duplicated, I added the masthead.
The font I chose for the masthead, stands out and is legable.
I made the colour of the masthead a dark purple colour, almost black.
This makes the masthead easier to read then if it was a colour that was a close shade to the background.
For the coverline "Lady gaga", i wanted this to stand out the most so I put it in a different font from the rest of the text on my magazine cover, I made the colour of "Lady Gaga" the same shade as her hair so it is legable and goes with the images.
For the other coverlines, I used simple fonts and some of the fonts are the same as the title.
My colourscheme is gold, plae pink and 2 shades of purple.
All these colours go with the image of Lady Gaga and are legiable and stand out against the background.

Lady Gaga 2
this is my new version of the Lady Gaga magazine cover
I made the fonts all similar colours and fonts and got rid of some coverlines that I did not really need to have.


  1. Emma
    This is impressive.
    You have demonstrated some great masking techniques.
    You have used a range of fonts and colours on your cover
    This is a merit so far

    To make this even better you could:
    Reduce the number of colours - try to stick to two
    Use only two different fonts - then they will look like they all go together
    Make sure your cover lines are aligned to a ruler on the left and and right of the page.
    Avoid the coverlines covering her body. This picture has plenty of space around it so us shorter line lengths so the words don't cover her.

    Well done
    Mr Monahan

  2. when i was doing this work I think the rulers were not exactly 1cm away from the edge of the page. I added a lot of colours to make my work look a bit more colourful but i think i would chnage the colours and keep to one and two fonts
