Monday 30 January 2012

The School of many nightmares

This is the video i made on Premiere
To do this i had to edit together a selection of video clips and sounds. I had to use the trim tool alot to make my work look very realistic. I also added some effects such as the lightning and making it look darker to create a spooky haunting atmospher. Then I had to add sound. I changed the volume of some sounds to make them sound louder then others. I also used some non diagetic sounds to add more atmosphere to the video. I think I achived a distinction


  1. Emma
    This is excellent.
    you have use a wide range of skills to produce this video. There is a good use of continuity, your editing flows well and the final product makes sense.
    You have used a good range of sounds, music and effects to give the piece atmosphere.
    What do you think you could do to make this even better?

    Mr Monahan

  2. To make this better I think i could of used more effects and maybe use short cut a bit more effectivly at the fight scene at the end
