Friday 3 February 2012

Media Proposal CBBC

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Emma Cosgrove

Project title:
Tracy Beaker returns

Type of Video/Radio programme/Magazine (delete as applicable)
Is a weekly TV show on every Friday at 4.30
Is 27 minutes long
CBBC Channel
Purpose of Product:
To entertain the audience and to educate them by showing what life would be like for kids in a care home

Each week we will have regular features including
-   It will feature what is going on inside the care home
-   It will focus on one or two kids in the care home but all the characters will be involved
-   What is happening with Tracy Beaker while she is working in the care home
-   The credits will happen 5 minutes into each show
-   After the show, there will be an advertisement for the official Tracy Beaker Returns website

Target Audience:
Our TV show is aimed mainly at girls who are around 9-14, boys can watch this show to but it is mainly aimed at girls.
They like to listen to a wide range of music and like to go out a lot. They are not that sporty and like to watch a lot of TV.
They are into fashion and like watching a wide range of things on all the BBC channels, they are into modern technology and social network sites, such as facebook.
They are not big into horror movies or shows that are very educational, they like movies and TV shows with a good story line that you could then talk about later on and shows with good characters.


  1. Distinction
    Well done
    Great proposal.
    You have included all the necessary information for a proposal and written in detail. You have been very clear about the content of the programme and who the audience of the show.
    I can't make any suggestions apart from looking into using more media keywords to make your work more professional - you can find a glossary in the Proposal folder in the shared area

    Mr Monahan

  2. I agree that i should add more media key words to make my work look profesional :D
