Thursday 9 February 2012

MangaUP proposal 2

Media production proposal
Group names and contact details:
Emma Cosgrove
Cathy Jennifer
Danni Duncan
Project title:

Type of Video/Radio programme/Magazine
Is a weekly TV show on every Saturday
Starts at 8 and ends at 9
It is an hour long
It is on BBC 3
Purpose of Product:
To entertain people by showing a different manga show every episode and also educate people about what manga is and how to draw it
Each week the TV show will feature
There will be one voxpop per episode

How to draw manga
A manga episode  
What manga books/ magazines to read
Interviews with people who work in manga these will include donuts
It will also feature News in brief during the interviews

Target audience:
The target audience is girls and boys of 14 upwards
They like t read manga/ comic books and listen to a wide range of music but enjoy rock and indie music the most
Most of them have piercings on their ears and a few facial piercings such as snakebites.
They like music and probably play an instrument such as guitar or drums. They wear skinny jeans and band t-shirts and like to go to gigs.
They like art and comics and they like to go to cosplay.
Manga plays a big part in their life.      


  1. Emma
    Great proposal. It is really interesting and the content is very different and original. you have used media specific language in your proposal.

    Your description of the audience is excellent.

    This is a DISTINCTION.

    To make it even better, you could make it clearer what the weekly content would be. What would be in it each week - give a lot of detail so we can really understand what is brilliant about this show.

    Mr Monahan

  2. In each week there would be the stuff that is under content :D
