Monday 5 December 2011

Kim Kardashian 100 words

Divorced in 72 days!
Kim Kardashian divorced her new husband Kris Humphries in just less than two months! The couple started going out in October 2010. Then Kris and Kim got engaged in May 2011. Everyone was very excited and Kim spent a huge sum of money on the wedding! She spent a huge $2.5 million on a 65 carat sparkling diamond headpiece! Their wedding then took place on August 20 2011. The couple got married in sunny California; Kim wore an expensive wedding dress designed exclusively for her.
After blowing off this huge amount of money, in a short space of time Kim divorced with Kris because she “was not ready”
This also goes over the word limit of 100 and is 112 words, this is not the best aritcal I have wrote and I think to improve I should of exagerated a bit more to make it sound a bit more over the top

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