Monday 5 December 2011

Kim Kardashian 200 words

Divorced in 72 days!
Kim Kardashian divorced her new husband Kris Humphries in just less than two months! The couple started going out in October 2010. Then Kris and Kim got engaged in May 2011. Everyone was very excited and Kim spent a huge sum of money on the wedding! She spent a huge $2.5 million on a 65 carat sparkling diamond headpiece! Their wedding then took place on August 20 2011. The couple got married in sunny California; Kim wore an expensive wedding dress designed exclusively for her.
Then soon after the wedding just seventy-two days gone by Kim Kardashian was seen without her wedding ring on in LA, and then she confessed to the press that She had divorced Kris. She says “I was not ready for it”. Kim was upset after she had divorced from Kris but she said it was for the best. Kris did not take the divorce to well and became upset and angry with Kim, especially because they were only married for 72 days. Once Kris had gotten over the divorce, he made up with Kim and they are still good friends.  However A source from a website states that “it was pretty much an arranged marriage from the start”. “Kim was looking for a husband and Kris was selected for her, amongst others. She was not really in to him but hoped she would develop feelings for him, but it never happened”

To Improve this work I should use more of the 5W's and also stick to the word limit beacause I went over 200 words, this artical is actually 240 words long !

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