Friday 25 November 2011


Media evaluation
1)      The main skills I developed by doing all of the task above are how to mask an image to make it look professional, how to create a magazine cover in Photoshop by adding text and the masthead, to do this I also had to choose the right colours and fonts to go with the image I chose. Some other skills I developed were how to make an image go from colour to black and white. I also learnt how to create a fashion page in Photoshop, I had to mask loads of different images of clothes, choose a theme for my fashion page and add text, and I even added shadows to the images of clothes to make them stand out more. I also learnt all these skills whilst creating a fashion frame page for a magazine.
For the Indesign work I had to do, I learnt how to create a 3 column layout by adding frames, an image and pull quotes and place holder text. I also learnt this for the double page spread but for that I learnt more about drop caps and how to make your work look like it was an actual page for a magazine. For the Lady Gaga page I also learnt how to wrap text do it goes around the image.
I learnt how to write an article for a magazine/ newspaper by using the main pieces of information and the 5ws’ which are, who, what, when, where, why.
Other skills I gained was how to write a professional script by using the right font and sticking to the rules, such as the slug line and the characters name always being in the capitals. I also learnt how to create a story bored and different camera angles/ movements.

2)      The task I enjoyed the most would have to be creating my own magazine cover. I enjoyed this the most because I learnt a lot about what goes on the cover of the magazine, and how each magazine makes their own cover look unique and stand out. I liked then using some ideas from other magazine covers to create my own cover.

3)      The skill I would be best at is probably writing scripts because it is the easiest thing to do and I found it fun to think up of my own story and then show how I would like it to be acted out.

4)      I think I could use these skills in the future on this course by creating my own magazine, with the front cover and the pages. Also if we write a script then do a story bored for it I could then film it.

5)      The skill I need to get better at is masking images, even though making my own magazine cover was my favourite task I found it hard to mask the image because I always forgot how to.

6)      To get better at masking images I could do more work on Photoshop and mask different images and then maybe each time I try to mask the image it will become more clear to me. Or I could watch a video on how to mask an Image on Photoshop and then write down what I need to do in my book then try and use this to mask an image on Photoshop and make it look professional


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