Monday 14 November 2011

Script- boyfriend cheating

EMILY sits down at the bus stop
MARIA sits down next to her, swaying a little bit because she is drunk
SHANUA, we need to get you home, you’re far too drunk!

EMILY looks at MARIA with a worried expression on her face
MARIA looks at EMILY and starts to cry
Help me, I feel to sick. I hate him (shouts) I HATE HIM

MARIA is angry and kicks the bus stop and grabs EMILY’S wrist

Don’t worry about him MARIA he aint worth it, if he really loved
     You then why would he dump you for AMY?
MARIA lets go of EMILY’S wrist and starts pacing back and forth.
     I don’t know EMILY, I just don’t know

EMILY gets up and hugs MARIA but MARIA pushes EMILY away from her

this is all your fault EMILY, if you had never took me to that stupid party this would of not happened. I hate you so much!

EMILY looks startled/ surprised at MARIA and starts to cry

You think you’re so cool, don’t you. You go around telling loads of lies. AMY never went out with MARK. She never did ok!

MARIA slaps EMILY on her left cheek. EMILY stumbles and MARIA grabs EMILY’S bag and takes out her phone

(Scrolling through EMILY’S phone reading out her and MARK’S texts)
(In sarcastic tone) Hey MARK how is you? Do you wanna meet up this Saturday at AMY’S party? EMILY hey, I’m not sure, if MARIA finds out about us it would be awful. MARK, MARIA would never find out, we could just say you went with AMY. EMILY you are evil.
(Shouts) explain all those texts EMILY

(Crying) I never meant that, I’m sorry MARIA; I did not mean that ok. MARK loves me and I love him. I don’t know what he saw in you, you’re just some alcoholic freak who goes around treating people like dirt.

Bus appears in the distance EMILY wipes her eyes and her makeup smudges. MARIA looks at EMILY in disgust.

(Shouts) I trusted you with my life EMILY but you are only capable of backstabbing, telling lies and getting together with your so called friends’ boyfriends. (Voice getting louder) you think you’re just so cool, don’t you EMILY don’t you.

Bus comes closer towards bus stop EMILY steps closer to the road. As soon as the bus comes MARIA pushes EMILY in front of the bus and then jogs away from the bus stop

           (Crying in pain) Help me someone, help me.

EMILY closes her eyes, still crying. There is a lot of blood.

This is my first attempt at writing my own script. I decided to make the script end on a cliff hanger to create more tension and want people watching this show want to watch it again.
I stuck to the rules of script writing, I always wrote characters names in CAPITALS and the slug lines in CAPITALS.
When writing the buisness I always made sure it was in the present tenc, and I said what the people will see, for example if someone is angry, to show this in the script you could say JANE is very angry and kicks the door....
For the layout I made sure when the character is speaking that the dialouge is always 2 tabs away from the edge of the page and the characters name 3 tabs away from the edge of the page and for the business it is to the right of the page





  1. Another great script. This is a distinction

    To make it even better you could look at some of the spacing and alignment of the action and dialogue. Do you think there are parts where there could be confusion between the two?

    Mr Monahan

  2. I agree that i could work on the spacing and aligment of the script, I think I should of added a bit more to this script to make it more exciting but i did get a bit lost in my writing
