Monday 7 November 2011

Katy Perry 300 words

One wedding several outfits!
We all know Katy Perry loves to dress a bit over the top.
On her wedding at the very start she arrived in a traditional Indian sari, it was bright pink and covered head to toe in gold sequins. This dress had cost an extravagant £1,500! Her actual wedding dress was much more then this though! Her shoes were gold sandals with pink stitching they were designer sandals from Gucci. They had cost her £50 because they were Limited Edition sandals. She had paid for her hair to have caramel highlights and wore extensions so her hair went down to her waste.
The second outfit was a pair of tight skinny jeans and a belly button top which was safari style. She wore black knee high suede boots. They had lace all the way up the back of the boots and were shipped to England all the way from LA! They took two weeks to be shipped over.   
Apparently the boots ripped halfway through the wedding! Katy Perry was not happy and she called the company that made the boots to complain. She tried to sue them but was unable to.
Katy Perry’s actual wedding dress is probably one of the most expensive wedding dresses ever brought! The dress was hand made by one of the most exclusive designers ever. The dress was a classic pink wedding dress. The bottom of the dress was really puffy and the top part had dark pink sequins forming the shape of a flower. The dress was made of the finest silk around. The dress was so heavy Katy Perry had to have people lift up the very bottom of the dress while she was walking down the aisle. Her sandals were rose and barely visible because of the dress!

To make this artical I had to think of a catchy title that will grab the audiances attention. Then I had to link the artical to the title. I created up the outfits Katy wore and I exagerated a lot to make the artical very intresting. I linkd the outfits to some of the outfits Katy Perry has worn before so the outfits would sound like something she would wear. I used intresting vocabulary to make the aritcal more fun to read. The target audiance of the artical is people who like to know what is going with celebritys and who find fashion an intresting topic to read about. This artical is 300 words exactly.

1 comment:

    You have written a great article by using the 5Ws. Your article is clear and easy to understand. It reads well and the main points of the story have been preserved. You have stuck to the word limit which is a good skill

    Well done

    Mr Monahan
