Monday 14 November 2011

Script 2- Taxi driver


DANNI walking casually along the street; texting her friend
Her phone then rings
Oh Hey VICKY how are you (VICKY talks back) cool, yeah I will see you tonight then. (VICKY talks) Yeah sure, bye.
DANNI puts her hand out for a taxi, one pulls up, she get in to the taxi.
                TAXI DRIVER
           Hello darling, where can I take (itches nose) you?
Hey, can you take me to the Oval station please; it is just about 30 minutes away.
                TAXI DRIVER
           Your wish is my command (smirks)
           Yeah sure whatever thanks
DANNI gets her phone out and begins texting; the TAXI DRIVER is looking at DANNI in the taxi mirror and is smirking to himself.
Hey, excuse me; you just missed the turning to get to the tube station
Oh did I now, well I’m very sorry dear but there is a diversion, we will have to go the long way now.
TAXI DRIVER cackles to himself, but DANNI hears him laughing
(Worried expression on her face) Are you sure there is a diversion, wouldn’t there be a sign saying diversion or something?
Clever one you are, what a shame you will not be waking up for tomorrow. Your friends will miss you very much.
TAXI DRIVER starts to drive incredibly fast. DANNI starts to panic
(Screaming) Let me out, what the hell is up with you? Your driving way to fast, what if we crash? Let me out now!
DANNI tries to open the taxi door but it is locked. The TAXI DRIVER looks pleased with himself, and a smile appears on his face.
Don’t worry DANNI, there is no need to try and escape. There is no way out!
TAXI DRIVER laughs manically and DANNI screams and kicks at the door of the taxi and bangs on the window with her fist.
           Where are you taking me, we are not even in London anymore!
                TAXI DRIVER
           I’m taking you to the edge of this cliff
TAXI DRIVER laughs so much he starts spluttering
DANNI chucks herself against the taxi door in desperate need to get out, she then burst out crying
In the distance is a cliff edge leading off into the sea
The TAXI DRIVER drives over the edge and DANNI screams
There is an explosion
This is my second script. I applied all of the same rules as I used for my first script. The font is in courier new because this is a font that is very easy to read.
I also added a cliff hanger to this script and I thought about each of the characters carefully.
Danni, is a very normal city girl who is always on her phone and the taxi driver is slightly mad and drives over the edge of the cliff. This would be the opening scene for the TV show or film. I decided that the taxi driver drives the taxi over the cliff because this is more exciting then Danni escaping from the taxi.


  1. Great script. You have used the correct formatting. You have used the right indents to show the difference between the action and the dialogue. All character names have been written in capitals and there are directions for the characters in brackets.

    Your slug lines are correct - showing where and when the action occurs.
    Do you think you could do anything to make this better?

    Mr Monahan

  2. I think to improve on this i should make sure the aligment is more acurate
