Monday 7 November 2011

Katy Perry 150 words

A baby elephant as a token of love! Really?
Katy Perry’s and Russell Brand’s wedding was one of the craziest weddings of all time! This extravagant wedding happened on the 25th of October 2010 in the Indian Jungle and a series of events occurred at this bizarre wedding
During the wedding a man eating tiger decided to gate crash their wedding, after the ceremony had taken place. It was attracted by the loud noise and the bright lights and wanted to pay a visit to this crazy wedding. 5 body guards with guns had to chase the tiger away before it could cause any harm! 
Russell brand decided to buy Katy Perry a tiger for a wedding present!  And as a token of love Katy Perry brought Russell Brand a baby elephant! Luckily the tiger was not harmless at all and they named the tiger Kitty Purry after Katy’s first cat.

To make this report on Katy and Russells wedding I had to think of a title that would stand out and make people want to read the artical. Then to write the artical I had to use the main facts about the wedding and then change it into my own words. I decided to exagerate a bit to make the artical sound more intresting.
To improve this artical I think I should of used a greater range of exciting vocabulary to make the artical the best it could be. I aslo should of used the 5w's to make the artical more realistic