Thursday 20 October 2011

Double page spread

This is a double page spread, I had to create a double page spread with 3 coloumns on indesign.
Once I had created the two pages with 3 coloumns I added all the frames. This time I had a lot more then 4 frames. At first I placed the image of the two people shopping, then I added the place holder text for the first page. Once this was done I added a pull quote and made the background pink because I think it went well with the shopping theme. Once I had finished the pull qoute on the first page I had to work on the second page.
I added lots of place holder text and then created 4 small frames to place the head shot images in. I had to resize the images carefuly beacause at first they went outside the frame. After I had added all these images, I had to use the text wrap tool to push the text futher away from the image to make it look professional. Once I had done all this I decided to add another pull quote in a different shade of pink and use a bolder font to make the second page have a bit more colour.
I was also able to show people how to do all this.

1 comment:

  1. Great work
    To make this even better use different fonts for your pull quote to give a bit of variety
    Also add the small headings to each of the thumbnail images

    Well done
    Mr Monahan
