Monday 10 October 2011

Get the look

This is my Get the look work. I had to mask the images really carefully and choose a theme so that everything would go well together. I masked the boots and the t-shirt a bit badly so I could not add a shadow around them because it looked strange. I added a shadow to all the other items of clothing that I masked well because it made my work look more intresting. Without the shadows it looked a bit boring.
I choose red for the shadows and the text because it stood out amongst the clothing.
I decided to overlap some of the images because it looked more like a fashion page in a magazine.
I chose a big masthead so it would stand out the most on the page.
I stuck with a rock n roll thing because I tought it would be more intresting and profesional to choose a theme rather then put some random images together that don't go very well together.
To improve I think I should of masked the boot and the t-shirt more neatly so then I could add a shadow to them.

1 comment:

  1. Merit
    What do you think you could do to improve this?
    Mr Monahan
