Thursday 20 October 2011

Lady Gaga Indesign

I created this page using indesign
At first I created a 3 coloumn spread then added different frames
After adding the frames I placed the image then used place holder text.
The text went over the image so I had to use the pen tool and click around the outside of the image.
After I had used the pen tool, I used the text wrap tool to move the text away from the image.
I think I moved the text to far away from the image though.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work.
    This is a merit+
    You have shown good text wrapping and used the correct number of columns
    To make this even better, consider how you could tidy up the small amounts of text that are floating around next to her body. You may want to consider removing the middle frame.

    Mr Monahan
