Monday 10 October 2011

Fashion page

To make this i had to choose a frame, and the reason I chose this frame is because it was easier to mask.
I put a ruler in the middle of the page so I could work on each seprate page bit by bit.
I masked the images neatly and for the items of clothing I chose colours that all go nicely together so it does not hurt your eyes to look at.
I chose a twirly font because I though it went well with the type of style I had chosen. I decide too make the text black because it is legable and stands out against the white background.
For the other part of the page I put a floral print in the background so it would have more detail to the fashion page. I masked the image of the girl really neatly so it looks profesional.
I stuck with the font I used before and the same colour.
To improve I would of moved the floral background down a bit because it sort of overlaps the frame.
To make it look even better I would of also added shadows too outine the clothes to give this fashoin peice more depth

Fashion page 2!
This is my new fashion page, I added a masthead then gave it a shadow to make it stand out so the reader will know what they are reading about!


  1. Brilliant!
    You have shown that you can import and place images, mask them very neatly, lay them out in a creative manner and you have chosen a font that complements the work well.

    To improve this you should ensure the numbers are the all the same size. Perhaps you could create a headline for the page to catch the readers attention. They need to be able to tell immediately what the page is about.

    Mr Monahan

  2. I made the numbers different sizes beacause I thought it would look better like that but looking at my work now i agree
