Friday 25 November 2011


Media evaluation
1)      The main skills I developed by doing all of the task above are how to mask an image to make it look professional, how to create a magazine cover in Photoshop by adding text and the masthead, to do this I also had to choose the right colours and fonts to go with the image I chose. Some other skills I developed were how to make an image go from colour to black and white. I also learnt how to create a fashion page in Photoshop, I had to mask loads of different images of clothes, choose a theme for my fashion page and add text, and I even added shadows to the images of clothes to make them stand out more. I also learnt all these skills whilst creating a fashion frame page for a magazine.
For the Indesign work I had to do, I learnt how to create a 3 column layout by adding frames, an image and pull quotes and place holder text. I also learnt this for the double page spread but for that I learnt more about drop caps and how to make your work look like it was an actual page for a magazine. For the Lady Gaga page I also learnt how to wrap text do it goes around the image.
I learnt how to write an article for a magazine/ newspaper by using the main pieces of information and the 5ws’ which are, who, what, when, where, why.
Other skills I gained was how to write a professional script by using the right font and sticking to the rules, such as the slug line and the characters name always being in the capitals. I also learnt how to create a story bored and different camera angles/ movements.

2)      The task I enjoyed the most would have to be creating my own magazine cover. I enjoyed this the most because I learnt a lot about what goes on the cover of the magazine, and how each magazine makes their own cover look unique and stand out. I liked then using some ideas from other magazine covers to create my own cover.

3)      The skill I would be best at is probably writing scripts because it is the easiest thing to do and I found it fun to think up of my own story and then show how I would like it to be acted out.

4)      I think I could use these skills in the future on this course by creating my own magazine, with the front cover and the pages. Also if we write a script then do a story bored for it I could then film it.

5)      The skill I need to get better at is masking images, even though making my own magazine cover was my favourite task I found it hard to mask the image because I always forgot how to.

6)      To get better at masking images I could do more work on Photoshop and mask different images and then maybe each time I try to mask the image it will become more clear to me. Or I could watch a video on how to mask an Image on Photoshop and then write down what I need to do in my book then try and use this to mask an image on Photoshop and make it look professional


Thursday 24 November 2011

Story Boards!

To create this story board I had to think of all the different camera angles and shots I wanted to use. This was hard because there is such a huge variety of camera shots so I had to chose the right camera shot for the right scene.
I had to describe what I would want the audiance to see this was also a challange
I had fun doing this but it is un finished and I did find it hard.

Monday 14 November 2011

Script 2- Taxi driver


DANNI walking casually along the street; texting her friend
Her phone then rings
Oh Hey VICKY how are you (VICKY talks back) cool, yeah I will see you tonight then. (VICKY talks) Yeah sure, bye.
DANNI puts her hand out for a taxi, one pulls up, she get in to the taxi.
                TAXI DRIVER
           Hello darling, where can I take (itches nose) you?
Hey, can you take me to the Oval station please; it is just about 30 minutes away.
                TAXI DRIVER
           Your wish is my command (smirks)
           Yeah sure whatever thanks
DANNI gets her phone out and begins texting; the TAXI DRIVER is looking at DANNI in the taxi mirror and is smirking to himself.
Hey, excuse me; you just missed the turning to get to the tube station
Oh did I now, well I’m very sorry dear but there is a diversion, we will have to go the long way now.
TAXI DRIVER cackles to himself, but DANNI hears him laughing
(Worried expression on her face) Are you sure there is a diversion, wouldn’t there be a sign saying diversion or something?
Clever one you are, what a shame you will not be waking up for tomorrow. Your friends will miss you very much.
TAXI DRIVER starts to drive incredibly fast. DANNI starts to panic
(Screaming) Let me out, what the hell is up with you? Your driving way to fast, what if we crash? Let me out now!
DANNI tries to open the taxi door but it is locked. The TAXI DRIVER looks pleased with himself, and a smile appears on his face.
Don’t worry DANNI, there is no need to try and escape. There is no way out!
TAXI DRIVER laughs manically and DANNI screams and kicks at the door of the taxi and bangs on the window with her fist.
           Where are you taking me, we are not even in London anymore!
                TAXI DRIVER
           I’m taking you to the edge of this cliff
TAXI DRIVER laughs so much he starts spluttering
DANNI chucks herself against the taxi door in desperate need to get out, she then burst out crying
In the distance is a cliff edge leading off into the sea
The TAXI DRIVER drives over the edge and DANNI screams
There is an explosion
This is my second script. I applied all of the same rules as I used for my first script. The font is in courier new because this is a font that is very easy to read.
I also added a cliff hanger to this script and I thought about each of the characters carefully.
Danni, is a very normal city girl who is always on her phone and the taxi driver is slightly mad and drives over the edge of the cliff. This would be the opening scene for the TV show or film. I decided that the taxi driver drives the taxi over the cliff because this is more exciting then Danni escaping from the taxi.

Script- boyfriend cheating

EMILY sits down at the bus stop
MARIA sits down next to her, swaying a little bit because she is drunk
SHANUA, we need to get you home, you’re far too drunk!

EMILY looks at MARIA with a worried expression on her face
MARIA looks at EMILY and starts to cry
Help me, I feel to sick. I hate him (shouts) I HATE HIM

MARIA is angry and kicks the bus stop and grabs EMILY’S wrist

Don’t worry about him MARIA he aint worth it, if he really loved
     You then why would he dump you for AMY?
MARIA lets go of EMILY’S wrist and starts pacing back and forth.
     I don’t know EMILY, I just don’t know

EMILY gets up and hugs MARIA but MARIA pushes EMILY away from her

this is all your fault EMILY, if you had never took me to that stupid party this would of not happened. I hate you so much!

EMILY looks startled/ surprised at MARIA and starts to cry

You think you’re so cool, don’t you. You go around telling loads of lies. AMY never went out with MARK. She never did ok!

MARIA slaps EMILY on her left cheek. EMILY stumbles and MARIA grabs EMILY’S bag and takes out her phone

(Scrolling through EMILY’S phone reading out her and MARK’S texts)
(In sarcastic tone) Hey MARK how is you? Do you wanna meet up this Saturday at AMY’S party? EMILY hey, I’m not sure, if MARIA finds out about us it would be awful. MARK, MARIA would never find out, we could just say you went with AMY. EMILY you are evil.
(Shouts) explain all those texts EMILY

(Crying) I never meant that, I’m sorry MARIA; I did not mean that ok. MARK loves me and I love him. I don’t know what he saw in you, you’re just some alcoholic freak who goes around treating people like dirt.

Bus appears in the distance EMILY wipes her eyes and her makeup smudges. MARIA looks at EMILY in disgust.

(Shouts) I trusted you with my life EMILY but you are only capable of backstabbing, telling lies and getting together with your so called friends’ boyfriends. (Voice getting louder) you think you’re just so cool, don’t you EMILY don’t you.

Bus comes closer towards bus stop EMILY steps closer to the road. As soon as the bus comes MARIA pushes EMILY in front of the bus and then jogs away from the bus stop

           (Crying in pain) Help me someone, help me.

EMILY closes her eyes, still crying. There is a lot of blood.

This is my first attempt at writing my own script. I decided to make the script end on a cliff hanger to create more tension and want people watching this show want to watch it again.
I stuck to the rules of script writing, I always wrote characters names in CAPITALS and the slug lines in CAPITALS.
When writing the buisness I always made sure it was in the present tenc, and I said what the people will see, for example if someone is angry, to show this in the script you could say JANE is very angry and kicks the door....
For the layout I made sure when the character is speaking that the dialouge is always 2 tabs away from the edge of the page and the characters name 3 tabs away from the edge of the page and for the business it is to the right of the page




Monday 7 November 2011

Katy Perry 300 words

One wedding several outfits!
We all know Katy Perry loves to dress a bit over the top.
On her wedding at the very start she arrived in a traditional Indian sari, it was bright pink and covered head to toe in gold sequins. This dress had cost an extravagant £1,500! Her actual wedding dress was much more then this though! Her shoes were gold sandals with pink stitching they were designer sandals from Gucci. They had cost her £50 because they were Limited Edition sandals. She had paid for her hair to have caramel highlights and wore extensions so her hair went down to her waste.
The second outfit was a pair of tight skinny jeans and a belly button top which was safari style. She wore black knee high suede boots. They had lace all the way up the back of the boots and were shipped to England all the way from LA! They took two weeks to be shipped over.   
Apparently the boots ripped halfway through the wedding! Katy Perry was not happy and she called the company that made the boots to complain. She tried to sue them but was unable to.
Katy Perry’s actual wedding dress is probably one of the most expensive wedding dresses ever brought! The dress was hand made by one of the most exclusive designers ever. The dress was a classic pink wedding dress. The bottom of the dress was really puffy and the top part had dark pink sequins forming the shape of a flower. The dress was made of the finest silk around. The dress was so heavy Katy Perry had to have people lift up the very bottom of the dress while she was walking down the aisle. Her sandals were rose and barely visible because of the dress!

To make this artical I had to think of a catchy title that will grab the audiances attention. Then I had to link the artical to the title. I created up the outfits Katy wore and I exagerated a lot to make the artical very intresting. I linkd the outfits to some of the outfits Katy Perry has worn before so the outfits would sound like something she would wear. I used intresting vocabulary to make the aritcal more fun to read. The target audiance of the artical is people who like to know what is going with celebritys and who find fashion an intresting topic to read about. This artical is 300 words exactly.

Katy Perry 150 words

A baby elephant as a token of love! Really?
Katy Perry’s and Russell Brand’s wedding was one of the craziest weddings of all time! This extravagant wedding happened on the 25th of October 2010 in the Indian Jungle and a series of events occurred at this bizarre wedding
During the wedding a man eating tiger decided to gate crash their wedding, after the ceremony had taken place. It was attracted by the loud noise and the bright lights and wanted to pay a visit to this crazy wedding. 5 body guards with guns had to chase the tiger away before it could cause any harm! 
Russell brand decided to buy Katy Perry a tiger for a wedding present!  And as a token of love Katy Perry brought Russell Brand a baby elephant! Luckily the tiger was not harmless at all and they named the tiger Kitty Purry after Katy’s first cat.

To make this report on Katy and Russells wedding I had to think of a title that would stand out and make people want to read the artical. Then to write the artical I had to use the main facts about the wedding and then change it into my own words. I decided to exagerate a bit to make the artical sound more intresting.
To improve this artical I think I should of used a greater range of exciting vocabulary to make the artical the best it could be. I aslo should of used the 5w's to make the artical more realistic